As you likely can guess, stuff went missing for, what seemed like, forever. Well I guess it is forever, ‘cause some of it is still missing, and may never be found at this point.
I lost my running Garmin watch – I looked for that (bleep) thing for 3 months. It was nowhere. Seriously, it was just nowhere in this house. And then one day I used my psychic powers, and voila, there it was in the bottom of my knapsack (why in my knapsack I have no idea, certainly “I” didn’t put it there).
Then there was my retainer. Missing. Completely. Just. Gone. These things are $500 to replace (and just so you know this ‘missing’ one was my second one which I had made just last winter, so it was 6 months old – argggh). But then tonight arrived, and my psychic powers kicked in again, and low and behold, I thought it a good idea to open up my luggage. And voila! There it was, just sitting in the bottom of my suitcase. I have no idea why my husband put it there – what on earth was he thinking??!!
Sooo, all to say, I am happy. And hence, I bring you things that make me happy:

(photo by Mark J. Asher via Etsy) – I feel this connection – this is LOVE.

(photo via – I adore this kitchen. I have a thing for black and white, never mind in my all time favorite room!)

(photo via Cote de Texas via Pure Style Home) – I love this room – I would never leave this room.

My front door – my home.

And of course, my girl (see first photo).
So, what are the things that make you happy?
p.s. I just finished watching Barbra Streisand on Oprah with Robert Redford – and I think I need to watch The Way We Were – this, I think would make me happy (or maybe sad, considering how it ends).

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