Or does it? What is the norm exactly? It’s an interesting debate really. Depending who you ask, a glass of wine with dinner every night is the norm, and not at all problematic. Yet, the next person, would consider drinking every day, completely over the the top.
Thought I’d share with you my latest project (well I have a few going, but this is one of the latest). I have decided to remove alcohol completely for 30 days, November 15 to December 15.
No, I’m not in any sort of program, and no I’m not in trouble – please don’t worry. But what I am testing is the impact that alcohol (specifically wine, I really don’t drink anything else), has on serotonin levels. Recall, I am on a wellness journey and my hormones and serotonin levels are at the forefront of my study. I am testing varying amounts of alcohol against how I feel and my overall outlook. And we all know that alcohol is a depressant. Right now, my test is at “0” amounts of alcohol. But I have to say, while the ‘no alcohol’ isn’t a big deal, the habits, routines, and traditions around alcohol are fairly deep-set. For example, one of our traditions is kicking back on Friday nights with a few drinks, order-in pizza, and catching up while sitting around the fire. While all of this can certainly happen without alcohol, it does somewhat change the tradition somewhat. For me, anyway.
So far, I am half way through, and am feeling fantastic. I am trying hard not to make early conclusions as I really feel I need to complete the full month to have complete understanding of the project on the whole.
I am curious as to how many people have ever considered this in their life? Certainly, I can’t be the only one. (Can I?).

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