Sunday, November 21, 2010

Headboard done, with a little help

Ahh, Sunday – they’re so good for projects.      Finally, our headboard is done.     And I LOVE it – yes!!!
Here’s a look and the project in progress:

                              headboard and layla 005

A few decorating projects on this baby (the green flowered fabric is the fabric-gone-wrong from a few weeks back).

                   headboard and layla 006

Our home-made headboard is made of of none other than “press board” and a 2x4 cut on the angle to hang it by (the other half is secured to the wall).

           headboard and layla 007

The other half of the 2 x 4.

headboard and layla 009

Removing the old fabric – yup, it is simply stapled on.

headboard and layla 010

And our final product!!    (sans our pillows as I’ve yet to find matching linen).

headboard and layla 011

Pretty happy with this project.     Once linen is identified, purchased and implemented, shall post the final-final product.

And of course our little helper:

headboard and layla 003
headboard and layla 002

Loving the camera as always. :)

Leave me a note, if you would like more detail on how to make this headboard

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