So today I’ve decided to tackle all the projects that I have been procrastinating on. My first is loading every CD I own onto iTunes so I can turn my iPod, now configured for MAC, into a PC friendly iPod. I have been meaning to do this for years. You see, my friend Nat loaded up my iPod for me years ago, but she’s one of the MAC users (you know the one’s, they’ll only use MACS ‘cause they’re the best), and so have lived with this version for all these years. No more!
Second, I plan on organizing our laundry room. We (I should say my husband) is insulating it these days, so it is a focus at our house. I see baskets, organized baskets.
Third, I do believe it’s time to put the patio furniture, if not at least the cushions, away for the season. I’d say it’s about time.
And, if time permits, I’m “itchin'” to hang my wreaths. Perhaps I’ll just dig them out of storage and I’ll be one step closer to dressing up my already pretty front door.
Isn’t November great?! See, this is what I was talking about earlier in the month. Get at your projects, you’ll be happier in December for it (or so my November horoscope says).

(cartoon via Inspiration Online)
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