But yesterday, with it being 12 degrees and sunny, I felt a little hint of excitement. Could it be? Could spring be inching closer? GAWD I hope so. Yes, I know! It's only February. But let us not forget about the little rodent who came out of his hole......and all that it stands for (it IS a credible data source you know).
OK, so Chaaaaaa-Ching. This is a funny story, but it might be one of those "you had to be there". Last summer we went to a finance planning weekend seminar with our friends Gloria and her hubby Marc. So, the funny thing is the dude running the seminar kept yelling "Chaaaaa-Ching" and he would make us yell it too. Arms in the air and all. At one point I think we were all hugging one another, and standing on chairs, but anyway, you get the point. You really DID need to experience this seminar. We still laugh about it. In fact, I am grinning as I type.
That said, as crazy as the dude was, his methology was "cash-based" - meaning buying canisters or jars, and putting your budgeted cash-spend into each jar. Seemed a little basic at the time, but we have since implemented this methodology. We are just starting so will let you know how it goes. By the way our friends (above) bought us these very cool and slick stainless steel jars as a house warming gift. So, they even look awesome in our kitchen.
I know I've posted about budgeting before, but I think this exercise is so cool. I'm looking forward to the next 4 weeks.
What do you do? How do you ensure you don't go over budget? How do you make sure you don't spend too much at the grocery store?
Budget... what's that? Hahaha I will be interested to see how this works out for you guys!