Something happened over the last couple of months - I seemed to have turned into a girly-girl. Now, I don't know how this happened or exactly when it happened, it just did. Strange but true, I have fallen in love with all things feminine and pretty, and ruffley and pink (and white), flowers, dresses(!), and curls.
It's a mystery really, but "whateves" as they say on............some show. Thought I'd share with you, all of the delicious things/looks I'm swooning over.
I have a new found love for nail polish. NEVER in my life have I worn nail polish. OK maybe an occasional pedicure which is complete and utter tortune for me, but it just wasn't my thing. You see, "I" was an athlete. And very few athletes wear nail polish, don't you know. Guess I'm not an athlete any more (oh well). I just LOVE this colour - and will be heading on over to Holt Renfrew to pick it up for my my next "weekly" (yes weekly!) manicure and pedicure. OK, I'm addicted. Speaking of addicted - who does not love Godiva!!??? (never mind, the Benz keys :)

Now, for those of you who have known me for awhile - I do have a bit of thing with my hair. Nothing to fancy, just colour and volume type thing as I was lucky enough to be born with my mother's hair. Now she is the sweetest thing that ever walked the face of the earth besides Mother T, but ain't her greatest asset. So, I bought one of these!! It's Instyle Magazine's 2011 Editor's Choice Best Buy. So when I was in the US last week my seester, I bought one. And let me tell YOU!!!! You want beach waves, this thing practically transports you right to the beach.
It's the Remington Ceramic Styling Want. That's right!!!
Also got this while in the US - Lip Stain - how smart is that? No more greesy, gooey, sticky, sloppy lip goop. Who ever believes that your lips look like lipstick anyway? Seriously. All stain baby!
I seem to have found a shoe fetish this season. While I always loved shoes, I swung to the accessory side more, meaning scarves, belts, jewellery. But, noooooo, this season it's shoes, to go with all the pretty dresses. Excuse me??? Where am I, and what have I done with myself????? (of course these babies are Valentino, regular $695). Oh there I am! :) [sorry for blurry pic, must let Mr. V know)
Now let's talk about dresses! My goodness - it would seem it's a "dress summer". They are everywhere, and they are "gawg-e-ous".
And the final thing, white, blue and red - the famous Nautical look. I didn't even know I had this, but when I arrived home home from the US with my purchases, it would seems that most things were either white, blue or red. In fact, as I write this, I have a navy and white gingam (sp?) dress on with red shoes and a red bag. Look at that!
Alright fashion Queens (and Kings) [my husband may read this, and he is my Fashion assistant {not kidding}], what are some of your favourite things these days? Anything this girly-girl should know about? God knows, my budget doesn't need to know about it, but I'm a genious at DIY outfits.
Happy hotness! (I mean you dahlings, not the weather) (Ok I'm mostly happy about the weather) (did you see my gardens?????)